Skeet Ulrich

Originally uploaded by dzaymee.
I was watching "The Craft" at HBO the other night. I've watched this movie before but have completely forgotten about the whole story. Until the name Skeet Ulrich flashed on the screen! Skeeeet!! *screaming* This hottie totally reminds me of my teenage misadventures...
Back in high school,*turn sound effects on* while still on our uniform, my friends and I would hurry to Video City after our afternoon class and rent a movie/VHS. By the time we get into my place, we would start reheating the canned goods we purchased from a nearby sari-sari store (sausage, corned beef, etc.), get some cold rice, make some orange juice and prepare the table. We would chat the whole afternoon away, talk about our crushes and/or enemies and pick on random people on the phone. After we had enough, we would sit on the couch or on the floor and start watching the movie. I don't exactly recall but maybe, "The Craft" was one of those movies we've watched together after school.
While most girls went gaga over Devon Sawa, I had my eyes on Skeet Ulrich. For some years, he was my epitome of kagwapuhan. He personified what I thought was handsome--lanky, rugged, messy hair, goatee, piercing deep eyes, thin lips, and of course, the well-chiseled face! I could care less about his physical resemblance to older counterpart Johnny Deep. Skeet Ulrich was IT! Haha!
Until I met some guy who's not quite as Skeetish as I wanted...and fell in love. My whole teenage idealism crumbled into dust. Why would the one you love always be an "exception to the rule"? It always amazes me. And I have never really understood the reason for this.