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Okay...Now I have a problem with it. (You know how oc-oc I could get when it comes to words) All the while, I thought he was better but heck no! This is blasphemy!! I can't believe what the lyrics are trying to convey. It is so uncalled for...and unfair. How can you blame God for all the negative things in this world? I don't understand why people even have to entertain the idea of God not caring at all about us humans. Seriously, how can you say that?! And I hate it when they say "That's your belief". I wish they would have listened even for a while, think about it and probably in the end, they wouldn't regret. *sigh* I'm really in disbelief. I know, God is superior over all things and He can do anything and everything He wishes. But as the Bible says, not everything is beneficial. Fine, most of the time, we find ourselves clueless of His will. But isn't that why He is God after all? How can one be superior if everybody just had the same idea as he is? And isn't that the essence of faith after all? Evidence of things unseen and things hoped for? What is your problem?! Isn't the creations around you enough proof that God has set everything for our benefit? And aren't you thankful He placed your nose right where it is in your face now? How can you ever think that God never cared? He so perfected the details in our lives. He can never go wrong. He's God, remember? What am I talking about? I don't have to tell you where this thought came up. But again, this is my 2 cents worth...keep it or trash it.
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